I’m going to assume that all of you here know that NaNoWriMo is (if not, please visit this site). A few of you, I know, are once again or for the first time participating in this event. Congrats and good luck to you all! I myself have only participated in the YWP (Young Writers’ Program) in the past. Two years in a row to be precise. I won one year with a goal of 25,000 (the nice part about the YWP being you can set any personal word count goal). Now, after a two year break, I’ve moved on to the official NaNoWriMo event. Wait what? Yes, you heard me. I’m participating in NaNoWriMo.
With NaNo right around the–TOMORROW! I figured today was a good day to tell all. While some might be leaping for joy at the thought of signing up this year and others might have been strongly nudged into it by their friends, I calmly walked into the site yesterday afternoon and scribbled down my name. But it didn’t begin with that! Nopenope.
Before signing up yesterday, I had originally trotted over to the NaNo site to see what Miss Aubrey Hansen was up to on there. I read her novel, author description and it gave me an idea. Aubrey is not going to write a novel this year, she’s going to write development for her novel. I can do that too! I don’t have a story ready to start tomorrow, but I’ve got a world to work on.
Thus, with no further pre-thought, I signed up for my account on the NaNo site.
I’m thinking that you may be thinking “What world is she talking about?” Well… Technically I’ve mentioned this world before. But lots of things have changed and are changing. Tomorrow to basically going to start in a world of changes. I’ll give you one hint (that is also on my NaNo page) as to which world this is. My book title is: The History of the Ariskór, Eskiród, Tsuminti, Daja, Kajuród, Silah, Kyldic, Gyrdic, and Edonitori Peoples. Really long, I know, but that’s your hint. Have fun!
I’ll probably be drafting some friends of mine to keep me focused. So beware (if you’re a friend of mine)! Let’s get this party started!
*gleefully takes full credit for getting Vili-bird on NaNo* Yay! We shall keep each other accountable with our world-building, yes? B-)
Yes we shall ^__^
I’m doing NaNo, too. I hope it goes well for you!
The same to you! :D