It’s a Revival!

Welcome back all!

As I’ve been reminding people on my social networking sites, this month begins the revival of my blog! The first  official post will be arriving on Wednesday morning: “A Day by the Shore, Looking through Amazing Grace” It’s going to be a bit of a photo post and, actually, I’m planning on posting more photo-set posts. But fear not, not all of my posts will consist of pictures. Amongst the few photo-set posts I’ve got a review or two, some writerly suggestions and occasional shorts or excerpts.

For reference, I’ll be (attempting) to hold a weekly schedule of Wednesday posts and either weekly or bi-weekly Friday posts. The Wednesday posts will be longer, more detailed posts, while Friday posts will be something short to tide over the weekend.

Along with my blog revival, I’m going to be reviving a few other things, plus beginning some more. My official tumblr page: R.S.Sharkey will be getting more posts as well, probably in the form of photos and story or writing notes. For those of you who follow me on Twitter and/or Google+ I’m going to be posting blog and tumblr updates there along with other notes-to-self sort of things. As for new things!… I’ve recently joined both Shelfari and Goodreads. I’m planning on adding more to both sites in the form of reviews and book ratings. While all of this is going on, I’m hoping to be picking up tips here and there to share with you all!

Well, that’s all of my update. Hope you continue to stick around, I’ve got some fun stuff scheduled out this month!

~ by R.S.Sharkey on July 1, 2012.

8 Responses to “It’s a Revival!”

  1. I’m so happy to see the Vili-bird coming back to the blogosphere! :D Looking forward to your posts!

  2. I’m looking forward to your posts. :)

  3. Yay!!! Mah Villeh be blogging again! :D

  4. You changed your theme. I liked the blue one better.

    **waits for more posts**

    • Yeah. But I wanted a brighter theme and will eventually get around to making my own to match the rest of the site :)

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