Tilt Shift Lens

photo by visualpanic on Flickr.com

Ever seen one of these pictures?

They’re quite interesting. A mirror within the lens causes the camera to only focus across one section of the image. This mirror also causes the rest of the image to blur out quicker. Quicker than normal.

This causes the subject of the image to look small, miniature and insignificant, but also incredibly detailed.

Every time I look at one of these photos, I can’t help but be memorized. The detail. You never notice the detail in something. Not until you look at it like this.

photo by Helga's Lobster Stew on Flickr.com

Who would put such detail into something so small?

photo by Kevin on Flickr.com

One thing I always think of, especially when I see a tilt-shift of a person, is how small we

photo by honan on Flickr.com

really are. Compared to God, we’re miniature and insignificant, but so incredibly detailed. God put vast amounts of detail into us. Making us an amazing creation, but still tiny in relation to Him.

And like any creation, we reflect the amazing creativity and perfection of our Creator.


It’s only after this thought that I realize I need to create the same amount of detail in my creations. Because, if I reflect a Creator, I’m made to create. If I reflect a detailed God, I’m made to be detailed.



So. I’m going to go develop my world some more and make it as detailed as I can.

photo by baltus15 on Flickr.com


~ by R.S.Sharkey on July 9, 2011.

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