Google Apps
Google Apps has been around for a while already, but who uses it? Is it as amazing and useful as other programs such as Microsoft Office, Apple iWork, or OpenOffice? Is it worth the technological learning curve to have all your documents online?
For a school project I will be researching this. So far my digging has unearthed these sites:
Buckupify – Who uses Google Apps?
Backupify – Google Apps Demographics
CNN – The Hidden Cost of Google Apps
GOS – [posts tagged with “Google Docs”]
GOS – [posts tagged with “Google Apps”]
Forbes – Google Apps by the Numbers
Office – Microsoft Office on your Phone
Office – How Bill Gates uses Microsoft Office
eHow Tech – The Advantages of Microsoft Office
eHow Tech – The Disadvantages or OpenOffice
eHow Tech – What IS Microsoft Office used for?
eHow Tech – Microsoft Office Vs. OpenOffice
GOS – Most Frequently Used Features of Microsoft Office
idealware – Microsoft Office Vs. OpenOffice