25 Things Writers Need to STOP Doing
About a month ago I found this list. If you’ve already clicked the link and scrolled into the article, you may have noticed the author’s freedom in using profanity (that is, if you didn’t notice his warning at the top of the post). I’m no fan of swearing, but I found his list had a great many good points I wanted to share. Thus the idea to create a more “family-friendly” version of his list was born. I took his 25 main points, with a few short lines that supported them well, and created 25 letter-sized “posters” of his 25 Things Writers Need STOP Doing.
Some of you may simply be pleased that I’m finally sharing some of my artwork, but I really encourage you to read them all. Almost all of the points can be applied to more than just writing…
stop running from your storyÂ
 If you want it,
you have to pursue it,
it doesn’t work the other way around.
Pick a story and work towards finishing that story.
stop stopping
Momentum is everything.
Cut the brake lines.
Careen wildly and unsteadily toward your goal.
stop writing in someone
else’s voiceÂ
You have a voice.
Don’t try to write in somebody else’s voice.
maybe you do this in the beginning.
But strive past it. Stretch your muscles. Find your voice.
stop worryingÂ
It does nothing.
You recognize a roadblock and arrange a path around it
you don’t chew your fingernails bloody worrying about it.
Shut up.
Calm down.
Keep going.
stop rushing itÂ
The rise of self-publishing has seen
a comparative surge forward in quantity
but not quality. ‘
Give your stories and your career
the time and patience it needs.
stop waiting aroundÂ
Life rewards action,
not inertia.
To reap the rewards of the future,
you must take action in the present.
stop thinking it should
be easier
It’s not going to get any easier,
and why should it?
Anything truly worth doing requires hard work.
stop deprioritizing
your writingÂ
Don’t put it at the bottom of your to-do list.
You know you’re a writer because it’s not just what you do,
but rather, it’s who you are.
So why deprioritize that thing which forms
part of your very identity?
 stop treating your body
like a dumpster
 The mind is the writer’s best weapon.
It is equal parts bullwhip, sniper rifle, and stiletto.
Stop bloating your body with awfulness.
Eat well.
Elsewise you’ll find your bullwhip’s tied in knots,
your stiletto’s so dull it couldn’t cut
through a glob of canned pumpkin,
and someone left peanut-butter-and-jelly
in the barrel of your sniper rifle.
stop moping and whining
like worry, like regret,
like that little knob on the toaster that tells you
it’ll make the toast darker
does nothing.
Don’t like something? Fix it or forgive it.
And move on to the next thing.
stop blaming everyone else
You’re going to own your successes,
and that means you’re also going to need to own your errors.
sometimes external factors will step in your way,
but it’s up to you how to react.
stop being ashamed
Writers are often ashamed at who they are and what they do.
Other people are out there
fighting wars and fixing cars
while we’re, sitting around in our footy-pajamas,
writing about vampires and unicorns,
about broken hearts and shattered jaws.
Craft counts.
Art matters.
Stories are important.
stop lamenting your mistakes
Don’t dwell.
Don’t sing lamentations to your errors.
Repeat after me:
learn and move on.
Very few mistakes will haunt you till your end of days
unless you let it haunt you.
stop playing it safe
It’s time to start taking some risks
both in your career and in your storytelling.
Throw open the doors.
Kick down the walls of your uncomfortable box.
Carpet-bomb the Comfort Zone
so that none other may dwell there.
stop trying to control what
you know you can’t
All that out there?
All the industry and the reviews
and the Amazonian business practices?
The economy?
The readers?
You can’t control any of that.
Control what you can,
which is
your writing and the management of your career.
stop doing just one thing
Diversity of form, format and genre
will help ensure you stay alive in the coming
entirely-made-up Pubpocalypse.
stop writing for The Market
The Market is an unknowable entity
based on sales trends and educated guess-work
and some kind of publishing haruspicy.
Writing a novel takes long enough that
writing for the market
is a doomed mission.
stop chasing trends
Set the trends.
Don’t chase them like a dog chasing a Buick.
Don’t be a knock-off purse,
a serial killer copycat,
or just another fantasy echo of Tolkien.
Do your own thing.
stop caring about what
other authors are doing
They’re going to do what they’re going to do.
You’re not them.
You don’t want to be them and they don’t want to be you.
Why do what everyone else is doing?
Let me reiterate:
do your own thing.
stop caring so much about
the publishing industry
Know the industry,
but don’t be overwhelmed by it.
stop listening to what
others say won’t sell
You’ll always find someone
to tell you what you can’t do.
What you shouldn’t do.
That’s your job as a writer to prove them wrong.
stop overpromising
and overshooting
Don’t overreach.
Concentrate on what you can complete.
Temper risk with reality.
stop leaving yourself
out of the story
You are your stories and your stories are you.
Who you are matters.
Your experiences and feelings and opinions count.
Put yourself on every page:
a smear of heartsblood.
If we cannot connect with our own stories,
how can we expect anybody else to find that connection?
stop dreaming
Start doing.
Dreams are intangible and uncertain looks into the future.
It’s time to wake up.
stop being afraid
Fear will kill you dead.
You’ve nothing to be afraid of
that a little preparation and pragmatism cannot kill.
Everybody who wanted to be a writer
and didn’t become one
failed based on one of two critical reasons:
they were lazy,
or two,
they were afraid.
~ by R.S.Sharkey on August 15, 2012.
Posted in Art, Writing in General
Tags: 25, art, book, lists, tips, writing
Thank you for making those look all pretty, Vili! :D I really appreciate you taking the time to clean up writing articles. I still use your modified 90 question character quiz all the time. :D
You’re welcome! It’s good to hear that my editing is helpful to others :)
These are really cool! I agree with Rose, thank you for cleaning up writing articles for safe consumption. ;)
I’ve got another post like this in the works, so be on the look out ;)
Okay! :D
[…] along with the list of 25 Things Writers Need to STOP Doing (my blog), I found a companion list called 25 Things Writers Need to START Doing (TerribleMinds […]
» 25 Things Writers Need to START Doing R.S.Sharkey said this on September 12, 2012 at 7:22 am |