My Dear, You Are More Than…

As of right now, Tenth Avenue North is at the top of my favorite bands. God seems to have given them the insight to write about things close to my heart. I find myself looking inside whenever I listen to their songs.

At this very moment, their song Oh My Dear is playing. It’s a marvelous song that speaks of telling. Telling our sins and secret falls. Telling them to another person.

Mike Donehey (the lead singer) crafted a wonderful message that pairs beautifully with this song (though paired on YouTube with their song Healing Begins)

I think whatever I was hoping to say about this song, is summarized by Mike’s words.

“Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed…”

James 5:16 (NIV)


Now Mediaplayer has advanced and is playing You Are More (yes, it’s set to shuffle). This is the second song I wanted to specifically mention. Mainly because of the hope it brings. The saving it speaks of.

We’ve all done things. Things we regret and wish we could wipe away. But this songs reminds me (us) that I’ve (we’ve) been remade. That God made me (us) whole and new.
The mistakes of the past no longer matter.

God has made me (us) more. More than we could ever imagine…

“You are more than the choices that you’ve made,

You are more than the sum of your past mistakes,

You are more than the problems you create.”

You Are More (Tenth Avenue North)


A wonderful blog post by Mike Donehey

Tenth Avenue North – Mike Donehey: Healing Begin

~ by R.S.Sharkey on January 5, 2011.

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